Alchimia software
$domain_search = «»;
//$ref_site = parse_url($ref, PHP_URL_PATH);
//if (preg_match(«/$domain_search/i» , $ref_site))
if ($domain_search == $ref)
$k1 = ‘@X7H%1ANS56B3JF9#CZ’;
$k2 = ‘$TU5H?8G!S962QRY4K%’;
$timestamp1 = mktime(0,0,0,06,05,1966);
$timestamp2 = time();
$diff = $timestamp2 – $timestamp1;
$keyn = round($diff / (60 * 60 * 24))-5;
$plus = mt_rand(0,9);
$clave_smallkey = substr($k4,$plus,1);
for ($i = 0; $i <= 4; $i++) { $clave_smallkey = $clave_smallkey.substr($k4, (int)substr($keyn,$i,1) + $plus, 1); } if (strlen($keyn)==4) { $keyn = '0'.$keyn; } $kf2 = substr($k2,(int)substr($keyn,4,1),1). substr($k3,(int)substr($keyn,4,1),1). substr($k1,(int)substr($keyn,4,1),1). substr($k2,((int)substr($keyn,0,1) + (int)substr($keyn,4,1)),1). substr($k3,((int)substr($keyn,0,1) + (int)substr($keyn,4,1)),1). substr($k1,((int)substr($keyn,0,1) + (int)substr($keyn,4,1)),1). substr($k2,((int)substr($keyn,1,1) + (int)substr($keyn,4,1)),1). substr($k3,((int)substr($keyn,1,1) + (int)substr($keyn,4,1)),1). substr($k1,((int)substr($keyn,1,1) + (int)substr($keyn,4,1)),1). substr($k2,((int)substr($keyn,2,1) + (int)substr($keyn,4,1)),1). substr($k3,((int)substr($keyn,2,1) + (int)substr($keyn,4,1)),1). substr($k1,((int)substr($keyn,2,1) + (int)substr($keyn,4,1)),1). substr($k2,((int)substr($keyn,3,1) + (int)substr($keyn,4,1)),1). substr($k3,((int)substr($keyn,3,1) + (int)substr($keyn,4,1)),1). substr($k1,((int)substr($keyn,3,1) + (int)substr($keyn,4,1)),1); $clave_bigkey = $kf2; echo "
Product description: MCM Alchimia premium features.
echo «Your unlock code:
«; $characters = ‘0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz’; fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->SetFont(‘Arial’,’B’,13); \n»); fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->SetFont(‘Arial’,’B’,10); \n»); fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->SetFont(‘Arial’,’B’,16); \n»); fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->SetFont(‘Arial’,’B’,12); \n»); fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->Cell(0,10,’Small key: «.$clave_smallkey.»‘,0,1); \n»); fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->Image(‘’); \n»); fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->Output(); \n»); fclose($myfile); echo « «; } else { } [/insert_php] With your 1 year premium licence you will be able to print GUM framework uncertainty budget (new in version 4), export and save output Monte Carlo simulation samples as a .csv file, export and save output chart as .jpg graphic file and export and save a frequency histogram (w/ 100 intervals ) from Monte Carlo simulation results. Your saved models will be operative after upgrade. Please, let us know whichever problem with MCM Alchimia premium to To activate premium version click on «ugrade to premium» small button on left side of the application, below menu buttons panel. Next, in upgrade panel, copy small and long key codes from this certificate and paste them on corresponding text fields. Finally click on «Check premium codes» button.
echo «
echo «(Click green field, copy selected codes together and paste on application)«;
$licensefile = »;
for ($i = 0; $i < 15; $i++)
$licensefile .= $characters[mt_rand(0, 61)];
$licensefile = "premium-licenses/Premium_license_".$licensefile.".php";
$myfile = fopen($licensefile, "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
fwrite($myfile, "AddPage(); \n»);
fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->Cell(0,12,’MCM Alchimia by Alchimia Software’,0,1); \n»);
fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->Cell(0,5,’Uncertainty of measurement by Monte Carlo Method’,0,1); \n»);
fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->Cell(0,2,’’,0,1); \n»);
fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->Cell(0,7,’___________________________________________________________________________’.
‘_______________________’,0,1); \n»);
fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->Cell(0,20,’MCM Alchimia premium license certificate.’,0,1); \n»);
fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->Cell(0,10,’Product description: MCM Alchimia 4.0 premium features.’,0,1); \n»);
fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->Cell(0,10,’Big Key: «.$clave_bigkey.»‘,0,1); \n»);
fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->Cell(0,5,»,0,1); \n»);
fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->Cell(0,5,’To activate premium version click on
fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->Cell(0,5,’left side of the application, below menu buttons panel. Next, in upgrade’,0,1); \n»);
fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->Cell(0,5,’panel, copy small and long key codes from this certificate and paste them’,0,1); \n»);
fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->Cell(0,5,’on corresponding text fields. Finally click on
fwrite($myfile, «\$pdf->Cell(0,30,»,0,1); \n»);
fwrite($myfile, «?>»);
echo «To get your premium license please visit our premium launching page or use paypal button in MCM Alchimia application