Von Mises distribution

by admin

The distribution of Von Mises is a continuous function of the circular calls, that is, they are defined for the real ones in the interval from 0 to 2p. This function is currently used preferably in the field of epidemiology to describe the spread of diseases or technological applications such as signal processing. The Von Mises distribution is also known as normal circular as it is similar to Gaussian, but restricted to the circular plane.

Input parameters:

  • Mean. In this case the mean will define the position of the average value of the function in the field of the real ones. In this way, the values ??will be distributed on both sides of this value with a maximum distance of p. If this field is left blank, the distribution with Media = 0 will be simulated.
  • k. The parameter k must belong to the domain of the reals and be greater than zero. K in the Von Misses distribution represents the concentration of the values ??in the simulated function, that is, the inverse of the variance.

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